Upper School

Upper School Program

At Athenian, academic mastery and hands-on learning are just the beginning.
我们的高中课程和方法为学习大胆思考和超越认知极限奠定了基础. In a collaborative and supportive environment, student are called upon to be inquisitive, self-aware and courageous. 在课堂内外获得的技能和知识是深刻的、综合的和持久的.
Here, 学生在培养品格的同时,也为大学及以后的学业成功和贡献奠定了基础.

Upper School Curriculum

List of 12 items.

  • Graduation Requirements

    Our graduation requirements exceed those of the University of California. 大多数学生花了四年严格的学术课程,超出了这些要求,并根据他们的兴趣和激情量身定制. Explore the Course Catalog and our Academic Program for Athenian's full scope and course offerings.
    Literature/English: Requirement is four years
    History/Social Sciences:  Requirement is three years
    Math: Requirement is three years through Algebra II (placement by skill level)
    Science: Requirement is three years
    World Languages: Requirement is level three in one language or level two in two languages (placement by skill level)
    Arts: Requirement is two years
    Physical Education: Requirement is three and a half years (with athletic team and independent PE options)
    Community Service: Requirement is thirty hours per year
    Athenian Wilderness Experience: Required during junior year
  • Literature/English

    Athenian’s literature program begins with World Literature in ninth grade, followed by  US Literature in 10th grade. 这些基础课程侧重于培养学生的写作和文学解释技能以及表达能力. In 11th and 12 grade students take seminars on a particular topic that resemble college classes. 这些课程通常是一学期的课程,由于严格的写作要求,这些课程都是荣誉课程.  Some examples include poetry, women’s literature, and Dante’s Divine Comedy. See the sample course offerings for recent offerings and course descriptions.

  • History/Social Science

    赌场捕鱼网投的历史课程从世界历史(九年级)和美国历史(十年级)的必修和基础课程开始。. 当学生升入11年级和12年级时,他们有广泛的历史和社会科学研讨会可供选择. 这些课程通常是一学期的课程,由于严格的写作要求,这些课程都是荣誉课程.  
    课程每年都有所不同(参见最近的课程设置),并探索主要的历史运动. Areas of focus include Africa, East & South Asia, The Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. Along the way, 学生掌握的技能,必不可少的历史工艺:解释主要和次要资料, finding salient information through skilled research, forming an argument from multiple sources, and expressing ideas clearly in writing and class discussions and presentations. By exploring many perspectives from the past, students are also encouraged to examine their own perspectives, biases and beliefs.
  • Mathematics

    赌场捕鱼网投优秀的数学课程根据学生进赌场官方网投校时的水平和准备程度来安排学生. Students continue their math arc from ninth grade, 遵循最能支持他们的数学基础和理解的课程的进展. 我们的课程建立在几何和代数的基础上,并通过多变量微积分提供高级主题. Additionally, 我们在统计和金融数学等主题上提供相关和经验丰富的高级数学课程.

    Honors and advanced courses begin at Algebra II and extend through multivariable calculus. Classes focus on critical thinking, problem solving, 逻辑和数学的思维习惯,确保学生成功地通过课程的进步. 在课程进展的不同阶段,学生有机会一次上多门数学课,以进一步理解和接触数学概念.
  • Science

    Athenian’s science department strives to cultivate curiosity about the earth’s physical, chemical, 以及生物过程来激励学生们继续在负责任地保护我们的星球中寻找乐趣, now and in the future. Students delve deeply into scientific concepts through hands-on activities, experimental analysis, visual learning, and interactive problem solving. Students work in groups, use our expansive campus as a classroom, and discover practical applications for scientific ideas
    We begin the laboratory and project-based science arc in our Upper School with Physics. All students are required to take Introductory Physics in ninth grade, Introductory Chemistry in 10th grade, and Introductory Biology in 11th grade. 这三个学科的高级课程通常在11年级和12年级提供,在学生有机会完成先决课程之后. Other science offerings for 11th and 12th grade include: Anatomy and Physiology, Astronomy, Environmental Science, and Applied Science. 

    赌场捕鱼网投大学的科学教师熟悉大学科学课程的严谨性,赌场捕鱼网投大学的校友发现他们已经为大学实验室的要求做好了充分的准备. Many alumni pursue careers in the sciences, engineering, health care, and related fields.
  • World Languages

    学习语言是培养对文化和人民的全球理解的重要途径, to increase perceptiveness, and to strengthen communication skills in English. Students are placed in language classes by ability for rich, mixed-grade level classes. We offer Spanish, French, and Mandarin.

    The Upper School uses a communicative approach in foreign language classes, which are conducted exclusively in the target language. 语法是作为一种工具来应用于现实生活中的,并且鼓励语法的流利性和准确性. 

  • Computer Science & Engineering

    赌场捕鱼网投编程之旅从计算思维开始(九年级必修). This course is a semester-long required class and serves as an introduction to programming, 为学生们打开了一扇门,让他们尝试一些他们在高级课程中可能不会考虑的东西. Upper level computer science classes include Advanced Computer Science (Honors), Data Structures and Algorithms (H) and Software Engineering (H). 

    We offer Engineering and Advanced Engineering (Honors). Most students who elect to take engineering do so in the 11th and 12th grade.
  • Arts

    The Athenian Art Department provides a place where you can learn the language of sound, movement, shape, and form to express yourself creatively and emotionally. 

    We offer an array of visual and performing arts classes. The performing arts disciplines include band, choir, dance, drama, film and theater tech. Visual arts disciplines include: ceramics, digital art, drawing, film, painting, photography and sculpture. 我们既有广度又有深度,在每个领域都有众多的艺术学科和高级课程. 要毕业,学生必须学习两年的艺术课程,包括一年的加州大学批准的艺术课程. Students can also take additional arts classes depending on their interest, schedules and course availability.

  • Community Service/Engagement

    Service is a key component of the Athenian ethic. Students are required to to participate all four years, 从九年级有组织的小组项目开始,包括周末在食物银行和社区花园服务.

    In 10th grade, Athenian students continue to work on group projects while taking on increased responsibility. In the spring, 学生们通过一系列的互动工作坊为他们11年级的密集个人服务项目做准备.

    Eleventh and 12th graders create their own service projects, demonstrating citizenship and leadership skills. In addition to a robust community service program, students are also engaged in our Athenian community in other ways. 
  • March Term

    All Upper School students engage in one immersive mini-term class of their choosing, diving deeply into a subject area they otherwise would not get to explore in high school. While half of the junior class is in Death Valley, the rest of the school participates.  三月学期的课程是通过/不通过的,每年根据教师和学生的兴趣提供不同的课程. Click here to learn more about the March Term program.
  • Physical Education

    Athletics and physical fitness are important not just for health but for learning. Rather than traditional PE classes, which rotate through different sports and activities, students can take any of Athenian's focused physical education courses, including hiking, yoga, ultimate frisbee, and strength conditioning. Classes meet twice a week, and students can fulfill their PE requirement by participating in a team sport. 参加赌场捕鱼网投以外的体育运动或体育健身的学生也有资格获得独立体育学分.
  • Electives

    In addition to core academic classes at Athenian, we also offer a broad range of electives that students can choose from. These include but are not limited to: Bay Area BlendEd Consortium classes, entrepreneurship, independent studies, internships, journalism, debate, robotics and yearbook.

Distinctive Programs


 Emily v. Z '22